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Finding my Ikigai

I started reading this book about Ikigai yesterday. Pretty good start I would say. I wanted to do a quick reality check on where I am and this post is more in that direction - trying to figure out how I will find my Ikigai.

I will first list down all the threads that are running in my life and see where I am with each. That would give me better idea on what I want/missing and what I need to improve. I was discussing with Megha the other day on whether I would like to continue in the tech industry at all or not. I hope I will get some clarity towards the end of the book.

  1. Music - Mridangam, Carnatic Vocal
  2. Health - Gym (have to be consistent), Cycling (need a cyclic plan), No sugar (going good), reduce carbs
  3. Cooking - Recently started experimenting (low carb, high protien), would love to do more
  4. Reading - Just started with Ikigai, have 3 books in pipeline (The book of why, two in Physics) and would love to pick up the 6 books that Megha already finished this year! Will plan for 1 per month
  5. Science - B612, I would like to ramp it up
  6. Business - Sahlangana, Wanderlogs (get it out of hibernation), debunk.news (evaluate futher, get it out of hibernation), identity stuff (not sure if i should spend time there), South Indian Restaurant in Berlin (feasibility study)
  7. Wealth - Stock, Mutual funds, Bitcoin, real estate. Investigate similar markets in Berlin
  8. Writing - Short stories, tech (almost dead thread)

Happiness Level

  1. Music - 7
  2. Health - 5
  3. Cooking - 7
  4. Reading - 8
  5. Science - 8
  6. Business - 9
  7. Wealth - 8
  8. Writing - 8


  1. Music - Spend 1 hour every wednesday
  2. Health - Spend 1 hour every morning - Gym, Sunday - 1 hour cycling, Breathing exercise - 0.5 hour daily
  3. Cooking - Learn one new thing and write about it
  4. Reading - One per month and write book review before starting next
  5. Science - One hour everyday
  6. Business - 4 hours every saturday
  7. Wealth - hmm.. not sure about this for now
  8. Writing - Review is good enough for now. Also, on 1st of every month write about what new you learned the previous month (may be non-tech)